Blue Ridge Pride to be honored with NC Human Rights Campaign’s Dan Mauney Equality Award

Press release from Blue Ridge Pride:

North Carolina’s Human Rights Campaign has selected Blue Ridge Pride as this year’s recipient for the prestigious Dan Mauney Equality Award. Dan Mauney was an LGBTQ+ advocate who worked with HRC and RAIN (Regional AIDS Interfaith Network) in Charlotte and beyond for the rights and dignity of the LGBTQ+ community and for people living with HIV/AIDS.

“Blue Ridge Pride is honored to accept this award, both as a tribute to our original founder’s vision for an annual festival to unify and celebrate community and in recognition of recent leadership that transformed the organization into a program driven resource for Western NC’s growing LGBTQ+ population” says David Perry, Board President for Blue Ridge Pride. “The evolution and success of Blue Ridge Pride is a direct result of countless volunteer hours, strong community and governmental support, and the generosity of sponsors and community members. Being recognized by HRC, the nation’s leading LGBTQ+ advocacy organization, is a confirmation of our impact on the region and recognition for all that the organization has achieved.”

Nominations from across the state remarked on our “programs that span generations” and how well our festival bounced back after COVID. Amy Upham, who began as Executive Director in May of 2023, says, “It was clear to me from my start with Blue Ridge Pride that our community had built a foundation of something very special. People in the region look to us to be a sort of North star for the LGBTQ+ community, and this award is both a recognition of the good work we are doing, as well as a call to continue deepening our relationships with advocates and allies across the region. We are so grateful, energized, and humbled by this recognition.”

Blue Ridge Pride will be accepting the award at the annual North Carolina HRC dinner in Charlotte on February 10th.

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