Buncombe commissioners invite community to a virtual conversation on the nondiscrimination ordinance

Announcement from Jasmine Beach-Ferrara, Buncombe County Commissioner:

Join Buncombe County Commissioners Amanda Edwards, Parker Sloan and Jasmine Beach-Ferrara for a virtual community conversation about the proposed Buncombe County nondiscrimination ordinance (NDO).

This conversation is open to all! We will provide background and context about the ordinance and opportunities for discussion and questions. County Commission will be voting on the NDO on April 20th.

You can register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUqcO2rqzksE9dV_83B-nUxWrXMNiwRS41- 

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Facebook event (please note the event is displaying Pacific time for some reason, and we are working on a fix!): https://fb.me/e/1jHLN2MHZ

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