Buncombe County Schools superintendent announces two new principals

Press release from Buncombe County Schools:

ASHEVILLE – Buncombe County Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Jackson has announced two additional school principals for the 2024-25 academic year.

Miranda Wheeler is the new principal of Woodfin Elementary. She joins Buncombe County Schools from Asheville City Schools, where she was principal of Montford North Star Academy. A 22-year educator, Ms. Wheeler has also served as an assistant principal for the Asheville City and Yancey County school systems. This marks a return to Buncombe County Schools for Ms. Wheeler, who spent two years teaching math at North Buncombe Middle School. She is a graduate of North Buncombe High School.

Josh Fisher is the new principal of Joe P. Eblen Intermediate School. He has been with Buncombe County Schools for 15 years, most recently as an assistant principal at North Buncombe Middle School. Mr. Fisher has also served as an assistant principal at Martin L. Nesbitt, Jr. Discovery Academy, and Valley Springs Middle School, where he also taught physical education and served as the school’s athletic director. Mr. Fisher is an Erwin High School graduate.

“We are looking forward to the leadership of both of these principals,” shared Buncombe County Schools Superintendent Dr. Rob Jackson. “Having each been students and teachers in our school system, they have a deep appreciation for the tradition of excellence and commitment to continuous improvement that defines Buncombe County Schools. They are committed to serving students and families and empowering teacher leadership in these two amazing schools.”

Ms. Wheeler and Mr. Fisher will start in their new roles July 1, 2024.

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