Carelon Health and Asheville Outlets host mobile mammogram and health services event

Press release from Carelon Health:

In honor of breast cancer awareness month, Carelon Health (formerly CareMore Health), an advanced primary care provider in Asheville, is partnering with Invision Diagnostics to bring their mobile 3D mammogram truck to Asheville Outlets on Friday, October 27.  This free event provides a private, convenient and quick means for women to get this critically important health screening. In addition, Under Armour Factory House is offering free bra fittings and 20 percent off store coupon to those that receive a mammogram.
DATE: October 27, 2023
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
LOCATION: 800 Brevard Road, Asheville – parking lot at Coach Outlet entrance
2. Enter event name – Carelon Health Mammogram Day Asheville
3. Click on the schedule
4. Select a time
5. Click “Get Appointment”
OR Call Carelon Health at 828-274-1508.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Early detection is key to a positive outcome.
“Often times, the reason women put off having a mammogram is due to time constraints and fear,” said Dr. Kiragu, medical officer for Carelon Health in North Carolina. “We are striving to take both those barriers out of the equation to enable more women in our community to get this important screening. These 3D mammograms can be done in 15 minutes and helps women avoid the often months long wait to get into an imaging center.”
The requirements to receive a 3D mammogram include: some type of health insurance, be a female 35 years and older, not had a mammogram in the last year, not pregnant or breastfeeding and must have a primary care provider to send the results. Invision Diagnostics works with all health plans and the patient will not receive any out-of-pocket charge.
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