City of Asheville asks community to stay safe by staying out of the construction zone at Memorial Stadium

Press release from City of Asheville:

In the coming days, the contractor working at Memorial Stadium will be pouring a rubberized top layer on the track, which will require a couple of weeks to fully cure. Use of the track while the rubber finish is curing will cause considerable damage and delay the overall project. It’s estimated the rubberized top layer of the track could take up to 6 weeks to fully cure.

As the construction project at Memorial Stadium and Mountainside Park nears completion, community members are understandably eager to use the new facilities. We are seeing folks walking, jogging, riding bicycles, or playing in this construction area. As a reminder, it is unsafe to enter an active construction zone. Additionally, use of a facility that is not yet ready for the public can create costs and delays for the project.

“Being in a work zone without proper safety equipment and a thorough knowledge of the hazards is dangerous,” says Capital Management Director Jade Dundas. “The community’s enthusiasm about using the new facilities is appreciated. We, too, are excited and are working diligently to reopen this community asset to the public. Thank you for adhering to the signs and staying out of restricted areas around the work sites.”

Here are some general safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Don’t walk, jog, or ride bikes in construction zones.

  • Find a different way if a construction zone temporarily affects your route.

  • Don’t play on or near construction equipment.

  • Obey posted warnings and never go beyond construction fences, caution tape, barriers or barrels.

  • Be careful around heavy equipment. If you can’t see the driver, they can’t see you.

The Memorial Stadium and Mountainside Park project, including the six-lane track, is close to the finish line! Stay tuned for announcements about the area reopening to the public.

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