City of Asheville Seeks Resident input for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget Development

Press release from City of Asheville:

The City of Asheville wants to hear from you! We are kicking off our Fiscal Year 2024-25 development process by seeking feedback from the community. Fiscal Year 2024-25 runs from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

The first way to provide input is to participate in the public comment session on January 23, 2024. The session will be held at the Asheville City Council meeting at City Hall at 5:00 pm.  City Hall is located at 70 Court Plaza, Asheville, NC 28801. Similar to other public comment sessions, residents may comment at the Council meeting in person, by voicemail, or by email. Voicemail and email information is available at this link.

The second way to participate in the budget process is to take the budget priorities survey. This short survey should take less than ten minutes to complete and will ask residents to rank City services and categories of capital investment to help guide Council and Staff as they make decisions about what to prioritize in the FY25 budget.

The survey will be available in EnglishSpanishUkrainian, and Russian starting on Tuesday, January 23, and will close on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 11:59 pm.

“We’re excited that we are expanding engagement around the budget into a year-round effort.  Hearing from the community about what matters to them is integral to the budget process, and is one of the reasons why we are expanding our engagement efforts.  We appreciate people taking the time to complete the survey,” stated Tony McDowell, Director of Finance & Management Services for the City of Asheville.

Feedback received during the public comment session and from the survey will be compiled, analyzed, and presented to the City Council during their budget work session on March 12, 2024. Staff will also share results with the community, as well as updates on how community priorities are reflected in the FY25 budget when it is proposed in May.

Find a copy of this press release in  City News on the City of Asheville website.

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