Freedom Riders exhibit now on display at Register of Deeds Office

Press release from Buncombe County:

TheĀ Register of DeedsĀ for Buncombe County is excited to invite the public to a temporary retrospective installation honoring the Freedom Riders of the Civil Rights Era. The Freedom Riders were an interracial and intergenerational collective of 436 activists who boarded public interstate buses for at least 60 separate rides in 1961 to challenge unlawfully persisting segregation on public transit in several Southern states.

Initially inspired by Black History Month and recent staff tours with Hood Huggers, Drew Reisinger and his staff began to fervently research and visually unravel the incredible stories of these activists. This web of Southern history led to beautiful discoveries about the impact of many Asheville natives in slowly moving the national narrative toward desegregation.

The small, but dense, photo retrospective is located in the hallway of 205 College St. in the Register of Deeds building. Drew and his staff worked collaboratively to present a contextualized look into the personal motivations and outcomes of the brave civil disobedience enacted by the Freedom Riders in the early 1960s.

The public is welcome and encouraged to walk through and spend time learning in this space any time within the business hours Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

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