Henderson County Public Schools announces three new principalships for 2020-2021 school year

Press release from Henderson County Public Schools:

Following approval by the Henderson County Board of Public Education on Monday evening, Henderson County Public Schools (HCPS) announces the following principal changes for the 2020- 2021 school year, effective July 1:

Beth Caudle has been named the new principal at Dana Elementary, filling the office vacated by Kim Henderson this month when she transitioned to her new role as principal at Hendersonville Elementary. Caudle has served as principal of the Innovative High Schools for the past two years. Prior to the establishment of the Innovative High Schools building in 2018 which joined the Henderson County Career Academy and Henderson County Early College on the Blue Ridge Community College Campus, Caudle served as Early College’s Principal for seven years, and Balfour Education Center from 2004-2011. Caudle initially joined HCPS in 2000 at Apple Valley Middle, where she served as Assistant Principal for two years, before transitioning to Assistant Principal of Hendersonville Middle in 2002.

Shannon Auten will serve as the new principal of both the Henderson County Early College and Henderson County Career Academy, in the Innovative High Schools building on the Blue Ridge Community College campus. For the past four years, Auten has served as principal at West Henderson High, where she’s spent her entire 14-year career with HCPS. Auten was hired in 2006 as a counselor at West, and after five years was named Assistant Principal. She served in this role from 2011 to 2016, when she became Principal of the Falcons.

Luke Manuel will serve as West Henderson High’s new principal, following his six years leading Hendersonville Middle. Manuel joined HCPS in 2000, teaching social studies at Hendersonville High for three years and at North Henderson High for five years. Luke served as Assistant Principal and Athletic Director of Hendersonville Middle from 2008 to 2013, and filled the same roles at West Henderson High for a year before becoming Principal at Hendersonville Middle in 2014

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