Pisgah and Nantahala remain closed

Press release from U.S. Forest Service: 

As response efforts continue throughout western North Carolina, all recreation sites will remain closed on the Pisgah and Nantahala until assessments can be safely conducted. Our first priority is the safety of our staff and visitors, and conditions on both forests are simply too hazardous for crews to begin clean-up efforts. The public can help us in our efforts to reopen both the Pisgah and Nantahala by staying off both forests until our work is complete. Regardless of whether someone is an experienced hiker, camper or off-roader, forest rangers and emergency services won’t be able to reach them if something were to happen.

Our offices on both the Pisgah and Nantahala, as well as our Supervisor’s Office in Asheville, will also remain closed until further notice.

While we wait for conditions on the forests to improve, we will continue to support our state and local government partners on public safety and critical infrastructure-related issues where possible.

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