Registration Open for Vacation Rentals 101 Seminar

Press release from Spark Consulting:

Spark Consulting and Studio HB Events & Communication are partnering to bring a vacation rental business seminar to Triskelion Brewery in Hendersonville on Thursday, April 11, from 2-5 p.m.  The seminar “Vacation Rentals 101: The Basics,” is geared toward Henderson County residents who are considering starting a vacation rental business. The two-hour seminar portion features guest speakers and panelists, and will be followed by a networking/social hour from 4-5 p.m.

With the tourism industry in Hendersonville increasing at a rapid pace, more and more individuals are considering entering the vacation rental market.  This endeavor can be a smart investment, but it is important to consider the pros and cons prior to starting and to know what professional resources are available in understanding the legal obligations and recommendations for insurance, marketing and financial decisions.

With this in mind, the seminar will include an update on area tourism by Beth Carden, Executive Director of the Henderson County Tourism Development Authority.  Other presentations will focus on occupancy and sales tax obligations, insurance needs, and marketing strategies. Participants will also have the opportunity hear, first-hand, the pluses and pitfalls from experienced vacation rental owners.  Networking time inviting further discussion with speakers will follow the two hour presentation session.

The seminar is offered in collaboration with Studio HB Events & Communication, a business focused on event planning and marketing, and Spark Consulting, a consulting and contract service business.  “Small seminars like this are a great way to access valuable information in a short amount of time, meet professionals in the field, and get the resources you need in one easy location,” said Holly Beveridge of Studio HB Events & Communication.  “In response to several requests for this type of event and the growing popularity of vacation rentals, Heather Boeke of Spark Consulting and I have joined forces to bring these topics and speakers together in one place.  Even those already working in the vacation rental business may gain valuable insights on tourism, taxes and marketing, while meeting others in the business.”  Tickets for the seminar are $35/person and include afternoon refreshments and coffee/tea, with beer and wine available for purchase.   Registration is now open online at  For further information, please contact Holly Beveridge at or Heather Boeke at

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