Rep. Brian Turner named to seven N.C. House committees

Press release from the office of Rep. Brian Turner: 

Representative Brian Turner has been named to the following committees for the 2021 Session:

Alcoholic Beverage Control

Appropriations – General

Appropriations – Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources

Education – Community Colleges


UNC Board of Governors Nominations

Wildlife, Vice Chair

“I am ready to return to work on all of the committees I served on during my last term and looking forward to joining UNC BOG Nominations,” Rep. Turner said. “Spending time outdoors with my family is one of my passions so I am excited to be named a Vice Chair of Wildlife where I can work to expand access to outdoor recreation opportunities.”

For more information, see the committee description below or visit

Alcohol Beverage Control

The manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages is big business in North Carolina. This committee offers the opportunity to work to create jobs and to promote the responsible, safe, and enjoyable use of alcoholic beverages in our state.


The Appropriations Committee is about setting NC’s priorities. It is where lawmakers craft the $24 billion+ budget.

Appropriations, Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources

How do we invest in our farmers, economic development, state parks and more?  How do we make NC the best place to live, work, play and visit.  Those are the questions tackled in this committee.

Education – Community Colleges

Our community college system is a tremendous asset in helping our students learn the skills they need so they succeed in jobs that will allow them to earn a good living. This committee helps manage our community college system and provide policy updates to position our community colleges to meet the challenges of the future.


North Carolinians have a right to clean air and clean water. This committee works to protect our mountains and rivers for the next generation and beyond.

UNC BOG Nominations

The University of North Carolina System of higher education is led by a Board of Governors and as a former Assistant Vice Chancellor at UNCA I know how important it is to have a strong, proactive and well functioning board. This committee handles nominations for individuals to serve on the Board of Governors.

Wildlife Resources

Whether you are a bass fisherman, squirrel hunter, bird watcher or plant lover, this committee is critical to shaping how we care for and manage the natural resources of North Carolina.

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