Task force recommends Vance Elementary be renamed in honor of Lucy S. Herring

Press release from Asheville City Schools:

The Vance Elementary School Renaming Task Force presented its final name
recommendation to the Asheville City Board of Education during their December 7th

After conducting their own research, meeting with local historians and hearing the
thoughts and feelings of our students, staff, families and greater school community, they
suggested Vance Elementary School be renamed Lucy S. Herring Elementary School.

Herring dedicated 52 years of her life to teaching, 35 in Asheville City and Buncombe
County Schools. A Black female educator, she began her career at just 16 in a one-room
Swannanoa school house before moving to Hill Street School in 1920 and later
Stephens-Lee High School. In 1941, Herring became the principal at Mountain Street –
a school that was later named after her – and was one of the district’s first Black
administrators, eventually overseeing segregated elementary schools for both districts.
In 1961, Mountain Street School was rebuilt and named Lucy S. Herring School. For six
years, the school served local Students of Color before closing in 1967 following
court-ordered integration.

Per previous communication, the Renaming Task Force narrowed down its list of
suggestions from more than twenty to just five in early November.

Although all five were incredible Black female educators who faithfully served the
students and families of Asheville City Schools, they ultimately decided on Lucy S.
Herring believing the work of Christine Avery, Gladys Pierce Fornery, Elynora M. Foster
and Florence Green was capable because of Herring’s lasting legacy.

You can learn more about Herring through this virtual presentation by Vance
Elementary School 5th Grader Mackenzie Bulfer.

Whereas the task force recommends naming the school after Lucy S. Herring, they
also believe it’s important to honor all five educators and suggest a plaque could hang in
a prominent place within the school explaining not only the purpose behind its
remaining but also serve as a marker celebrating the contributions all five women made.

The Asheville City Board of Education first approved beginning the school’s renaming
process in June 2020. Representing a wide array of perspectives that make Vance
Elementary School such a unique place to work, learn and grow, a task force was
created. Made up of representatives from current Vance students, Vance alumni,
teachers, staff members, families, future families as well as community members, they
were charged with seeking input. You can read more about this process here.

Following yesterday’s recommendation, the task force hopes the Board will approve
the school’s new school name during its February 2021 meeting.

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