Weaverville Police Chief Ron Davis retires

Press release from the Town of Weaverville:

Weaverville Town Manager Selena Coffey announces the retirement of Weaverville’s Chief of Police Ron Davis. Chief Davis was hired in January 2019 and has a respectable 30+ years of experience in public safety. According to Manager Coffey, “Chief Davis leaves a strong legacy of professionalism, compassionate leadership, strength in adversity, and utmost integrity. Not only did Chief Davis implement new and improved law enforcement practices, but he strengthened an environment of trust and comradery within the Weaverville Police Department during his tenure.”

Chief Davis states, “The decision to retire comes after much thought and consideration about my career, my unequivocal confidence in our department, and my strong desire to spend more time with my wonderful family. I want to express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of being able to work with the Town Manager and the exceptional team of professionals Manager Coffey has assembled. I cannot be prouder of the officers and employees at the Weaverville Police Department. It has indeed been the honor of my life.”

Mayor Fitzsimmons has offered his gratitude to Chief Davis for his leadership and wishes to thank him for all of his accomplishments and care for the Town’s residents.

Chief Davis’ retirement will be effective at the end of March 2024 and the Town Manager has a succession plan prepared to provide for a smooth transition for the Police Department and the Town of Weaverville residents. This succession plan will be publicized at the appropriate time.

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