Whole Foods: Asheville sneak preview tours to benefit Muddy Sneakers

From Whole Foods’ Website:

A Benefit for Muddy Sneakers
Friday, August 22 (11 am — 7 pm)
Saturday, August 23 (10 am — 6 pm)

Come get a sneak preview of the newest Whole Foods Market … BEFORE ANYONE ELSE!

Our teams will still be preparing for our Grand Opening on August 26, but you will get an inside look at our store set-up in progress. You’ll get a look at some of our latest innovations, learn what makes each department unique, and of course … taste your way around the store!

The guided tours will take place every 15 minutes with a suggested donation of $5 per guest to benefit Muddy Sneakers, an Asheville nonprofit that educates children through the natural world.

(Children are welcome to attend the tour and do not need to be accounted for in your registration if they are under 10.  However, please note that the tours are 45 minutes long, children must stay with their parents, and the store is still a construction zone so safety hazards exist.)

Make reservations here.

About Kat McReynolds
Kat studied entrepreneurship and music business at the University of Miami and earned her MBA at Appalachian State University. Follow me @katmAVL

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