WNCSource Transportation gives a lift to vets

Press release from WNCSource:

WNCSource Transportation is going the extra mile to help WNC veterans and their supporters get to/from the Asheville Airport during the upcoming Blue Ridge Honor Flight on Saturday, October 14, 2023. WNCSource, which offers public and private transportation for seniors, disabled individuals, rural, and medical appointments in Henderson County, also enjoys lending a hand to partners like Blue Ridge Honor Flight.

Based in Hendersonville, Blue Ridge Honor Flight organizes 2 to 3 flights per year to transport military veterans and their “travel guardians” to Washington, DC to tour the nation’s capital. While there, they attend a patriotic ceremony and visit the monuments and memorials commemorating their service to our country.

This year’s Honor Flight is dedicated to the memory of Captain Frederick M. Hall, USAF who was missing in action for over 54 years. His remains were recently recovered and positively identified in Laos where he went down in a plane crash. Capt. Hall’s remains came home to Haywood County and were laid to rest with full military honors on October 10, 2023. Captain Hall’s widow, Julie Coffey will be on the Honor Flight and have the opportunity to visit the Vietnam Wall, so that she can take an impression of Captain Hall’s name.

This Honor Flight will carry veterans from World War II, Vietnam War, and the Korean War. After a day full of activities and fellowship, the veterans (some in their 90’s!) will fly back home and be greeted in a coming home celebration at the Signature Air Support Hanger of the Asheville Airport.

No public parking is available at the SAS Hanger. WNCSource Transportation will be providing private airport shuttle service for the veterans, family members and supporters during the event. Free parking and shuttle service for the event will be at Gate 7 of the WNC Agriculture Center starting at 7:45 PM on Saturday. The public is invited to wear red, white and blue and come out and be a part of the homecoming celebration.

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