Young people to rally in Asheville to demand Biden take bold action on climate change

Press release from Sunrise UNCA:

Asheville– The Sunrise Movement hubs of UNC Asheville and Buncombe County Schools (BCS) will hold a rally in Pack Square downtown and later deliver 500 petitions to the Buncombe County Democratic Party office demanding Joe Biden declare a climate emergency. This is one of over 40 protests Sunrise Movement is holding across the country. It comes after 21 young people with Sunrise were arrested at Biden’s Wilmington HQ last Monday. 

WHAT: Youth led rally demanding Biden use his full executive powers to combat climate crisis 
WHEN: Monday, February 19, 1pm
WHO: Sunrise Movement and local activists
WHERE: N Pack Square, Asheville NC 28801

Sunrise is calling on President Biden to declare a climate emergency and use the full extent of his powers to stop the climate crisis, including:
  1. Reversing the massive rise in US fossil fuel production. In 2023 the US produced more fossil fuels than ever before, but Biden has approved new projects like Willow. 
  2. Prepare for climate disasters, including guaranteeing everyone has free healthcare and safe housing they need after climate disasters strike.
  3. Create green union jobs by unleashing the full power of the Defense Production Act  

“The Waynesville flooding of 2021 and recent air quality concerns from nearby wildfires are just a few of the local impacts of climate change we’re seeing,” said Sunrise UNCA member Allie Daum. “President Biden must declare a climate emergency and prioritize the safety of Americans and the world, rather than using his power to fuel international genocide. Biden can’t claim to be a champion of the climate crisis while approving the creation and expansion of fossil fuel projects. Young people are watching, and we won’t back down.”
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One thought on “Young people to rally in Asheville to demand Biden take bold action on climate change

  1. Keith

    Donald tRUmp and his supporters will make all of your dreams come true. You can bet on it. /sarc/

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