Profile: Asheville Green School: Construction Management, Building Science & Sustainability at A-B Tech

Photo courtesy of A-B Tech.

The construction industry provides the basic human need of shelter. Like other fundamental industries, such as the food industry, economic/social shifts such as the recent recession have spurred our industry to evolve and reinvent ourselves around current conditions. Due to this changing economy and industry, many training and re-training opportunities are needed.

The latest version of building codes were embedded with many of these reflected changes as energy efficiency and building performance become more of the focus in construction. The construction industry consumes over half of our energy use, which creates major opportunities in this industry to help address some of society’s most challenging problems, such as climate change.

Aside from our construction programs, we offer a 2-year associate’s degree in Sustainability Technologies, which offers students more hands-on training with clean renewable energy and energy analysis technologies.

All indicators point to steady job growth in these industries as society makes this much needed and inevitable shift to a cleaner & more sustainable future. Now is the time and A-B Tech is the place to embrace your career in green building and sustainability.

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