Angel on my Shoulder

Movie Information

In Brief: The second of two back-to-back Archie Mayo films screened by the AFS (following our THPS presentation of Svengali), Angel on my Shoulder (1946) was probably the most effective of Mayo's forays into comedy. Written by Harry Segall, who also wrote Here Comes Mister JordanAngel shares a number of thematic similarities with Jordan — including Claude Rains as a smart-alecky supernatural guide to the recently deceased, only here he's the Devil. Muni and Raines both sport admirable comedic chops, and Anne Baxter is as alluring here as anywhere. A fun film from the man who bungled a Marx Brothers movie (A Night in Casablanca), this film proves that Mayo could handle comedy as competently as horror. The Asheville Film Society will screen Angel on my Shoulder on Tuesday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. at The Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critic Scott Douglas.
Genre: Supernatural Comedy
Director: Archie Mayo
Starring: Paul Muni, Claude Raines, Anne Baxter
Rated: NR

The Asheville Film Society will screen Angel on my Shoulder on Tuesday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. at The Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critic Scott Douglas.


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