The Hitch-Hiker

Movie Information

In Brief: Ida Lupino is an underexamined icon of the proto-feminist cinema, and The Hitch-Hiker (1953) stands as a perfect case in point. Directed and co-written by Lupino, who was also an accomplished actress probably best remembered for her role opposite Humphrey Bogart in High Sierra (1941), The Hitch-Hiker is widely considered to be the first film noir helmed by a woman — though you'd never guess it from the distinct lack of feminine sensibility in the casting and narrative.  Lupino began her directorial career by taking over the production of Not Wanted when director Elmer Clifton suffered a heart attack, and Lupino went on to direct five more features and numerous TV shows. The Hitch-Hiker was Lupino's penultimate feature behind the camera, and this taught noir thriller undeniably establishes that she was every bit as good as any director working at the time, regardless of gender.
Genre: Film Noir
Director: Ida Lupino
Starring: William Talman, Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy
Rated: NR

The Asheville Film Society will screen The Hitch-Hiker on Tuesday, Nov. 8, at 7:30 p.m. at The Grail Moviehouse, hosted by Xpress movie critic Scott Douglas.


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