Clean and Green: Transportation initiatives in WNC

For more on Asheville and Buncombe County efforts to improve air quality, check out Bill Eaker’s interview in this story from our 2014 Get it Guide, written by Jesse Farthing.

“There’s a lot of interest in the use of alternative fuels and more sustainable transportation in the region, especially the Asheville/ Buncombe County region,” Eaker says.

The coalition makes use of that interest by sitting down with fleet managers and helping them analyze their fleets to determine what kind of alternative fuels they could put to use, whether it be biodiesel, CNG, propane or electric hybrids.

“In the last year, with all of our partners, we reduced petroleum use by about 800,000 gallons through all of the different fuels and technologies,” Eaker says. “Asheville is a leader in terms of the variety of fuels and technologies.”

Read the full story here.


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About Carrie Eidson
Multimedia journalist and Green Scene editor at Mountain Xpress. Part-time Twitterer @mxenv but also reachable at Follow me @carrieeidson

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