More winter fun in this week’s cover package

Winter is coming: Forecasters predict cold, snowy season

The first official day of winter isn’t until Dec. 21, but Western North Carolina has already received an abundance of cold and snowy weather this year. And if a wealth of long-range predictions come true, the early shots of snow could be harbingers of much more to come. Read more here.

Winter sport resources:

•    Wolf Ridge Ski Resort:

•    Cataloochee Ski Resort:

•    Sugar Mountain Resort:

•    Beech Mountain Resort:

•    Appalachian Ski Mountain:

•    Saphire Valley:

•    Learn to Ski & Snowboard program: or

•    Fox Mountain Guides:

•    Asheville Ski & Outing Club:

•    Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing:

•    REI Classes & Events:

– Compiled by Brad Messenger

Check out a roundup of more outdoor winter resources, events and groups here, including runs, bike rides and races.

Stay tuned to the Xpress Outdoors page for ongoing coverage.



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About Jake Frankel
Jake Frankel is an award-winning journalist who enjoys covering a wide range of topics, from politics and government to business, education and entertainment.

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