New Belgium Asheville by the numbers*

1 million — pounds of rebar in the cellar deck alone

500,000 — minimum number of barrels of beer brewed annually in Asheville at full capacity

42,264 — number of pints brewed per batch on a 200hl system

5,000 – yards of concrete poured on the site in 2014

350 — number of piles driven to stabilize the ground

350 — approximate number of people working on site daily from spring-fall 2015

150 — approximate number of people working on site daily in January 2015

45 — approximate number of workers New Belgium will hire in Asheville in 2015

30 — number of fermentation and bright tanks the cellar deck is ready to receive

20 — approximate number of workers who will be hired annually through full build out

9 — silos in the malt silo building that hold between 50 and 100 metric tons

6 — number of bright beer tanks in the cellar

3 — beer styles initially brewed in Asheville

1 — new East Coast home

*Numbers courtesy of New Belgium Brewing


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About Thom O'Hearn
Thom O’Hearn is a writer, book editor and homebrewer. Twitter: @thomohearn

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