Occupation: night auditor at hotel
Party affiliation: Republican
Political experience: none
Endorsements: none listed
1) How much money have you raised for your campaign, and who are your top three donors and how much did each give?
Total: $32
Top three: Buncombe County Republican Women's Club, $22; Jason Lee, $10
2) What resolution would you like to see for the I-26 connector?
I am hesitant to wholly commit to any one specific course of action prematurely; however, my main focus being fiscal responsibility, I would stick primarily (to the dismay of many) to a plan that is economical to taxpayers in this stressed time.
3) What is the best route for addressing the city's homelessness problem?
Throwing programs and money at a problem will never solve it outright, and instead of chasing the symptoms, we need to treat the individual by using encouragement while still requiring accountability, utilizing worker programs ("jobs Americans won't do"), and incentives along with specific worker requirements and limits to benefits.
4) Should height limits be implemented for new construction in the city? Why or why not?
Personally, I am against further regulating private industry and business; however, issues such as this require more input and possibly a referendum on the next ballot. How better to understand the Asheville constituency?
5) What oversight should Council delegate to other boards/commissions with the adoption of the Downtown Master Plan?
The potential for misplaced powers to biased boards/commissions gives me great pause. Focus should be placed on finding true outside opinion that centers on what is best for all constituents, not what is politically convenient or partial to special interests.
6) Should Council reconsider a development buffer around Pack Square Park? Why or why not?
I am unfamiliar at this time. A balance must be made between pleasurable aesthetics and business growth and interest. The deciding factor for me would be what the taxpayers stand to gain or lose by this buffer.
7) Should Asheville be allowed to increase or dedicate part of its room tax to make infrastructure improvements? Why or why not?
As a hotel employee I see firsthand the reactions people have to our already hiked room taxes, in addition to our sales tax, and it's not pretty. I also don't understand why we have to play deceptive games; if we need more infrastructure taxes then raise infrastructure tax!
8) What associations or business dealings would cause you to ask to be recused for conflict of interest if they came up in Council deliberation?
I have no "business dealings" which would create a scandal. I am an employee so I suppose that makes me beholden to businesses since they do give me a job … wait, two jobs!
9) What question would you like to ask to any other candidate and to whom would you ask it?
Mrs. Bellamy, you voted to add four early voting sites and argued with Mumpower that it was not an unfair vote to help re-elect yourself, but you have raised $30,000 and can easily staff the four sites vs. your challengers who all filed under $3,000. Should you have abstained?
10) Which other candidates will you be voting for?
Carl Mumpower, Ryan Croft and J. Neal Jackson
Mr. Edwards, Republicans have promised fiscal responsibility since Ronald Reagan and have shown this term to them means cutting social welfare programs and increasing corporate welfare programs. Does government for, of and by the people mean anything to you?
Your answer to question 8 is very disturbing…
“I have no “business dealings” which would create a scandal. I am an employee so I suppose that makes me beholden to businesses since they do give me a job … wait, two jobs!”
Think about your above statement Mr. Edwards…if the struggle is between corporate America and citizens…and you are beholden to corporate America, why should I vote for you ?
Your loyalty lies with the enemy.
Do you believe I’m stupid ?
Regarding question 5…your answer “Focus should be placed on finding true outside opinion that centers on what is best for all constituents, not what is politically convenient or partial to special interests.”
How does an outside opinion with no local experience know what’s best for all constituents?
You deferring to an outside authority means you will not get my vote. You should represent me!
If you are beholden to business…maybe you should work to get the hotel that you work for to for you and ignore me. What do ya say? Oh yea…the hotel can’t vote.