Discouraging Amazon and other large corporations from coming to our communities because they don’t pay income taxes is not an answer. We need more living wage jobs from companies like Amazon so that workers have the hope of prosperity and not just scraping to buy the basics. We need representatives who are willing to work to raise the current minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
During 2019, seven Democratic bills to increase the minimum wage were introduced into the N.C. General Assembly, and all were sent to languish in Republican-controlled committees. Senate Bill 137 and Senate Bill 291 were sent to die in the Senate Rules and Operations [committee], where current 48th District Sen. Chuck Edwards sits. Local McDonald’s mogul Chuck Edwards isn’t interested in increasing the minimum wage for burger flippers or increasing taxes for large corporations.
The Town Council of Mills River is to be credited for its foresight and hard work for attracting businesses like Amazon. Brian Caskey, Democratic candidate for the Senate’s 48th District, is part of the Mills River team working to bring higher-paying jobs to our area. Brian Caskey knows that if your job needs to be done, you deserve a living wage, not a poverty wage.
— John H. Fisher
Mr. Caskey is a white male.
Privilege, privilege, privilege!!!
No way he can represent people of color, womyn, LGBTQ+++
Let me guess, he probably identifies as a “Christian” too.
Thanks for playing the Democrat identity politics game Mr. Caskey, next!