35 years and happily counting

Kudos to Kern Stafford, a pharmacist who wrote [“Reality Veganism Gets Results,” Letters, March 28] concerning his conversion to a vegan diet three years ago instead of getting a bypass heart operation, which one physician recommended. Thankfully, a second opinion steered him in a different direction.

I’ve been an adherent of the vegan lifestyle for 35 years and prior to that was a strict vegetarian for an additional 15 years, and I can attest to the efficacy of the vegan diet and natural-living practices.

I agree with Mr. Stafford that eating a plant-based diet, getting plenty of exercise and taking some natural supplements has a positive effect in reducing weight for those who might have a tendency to add unwanted pounds, [and] preventing clogged arteries, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and cardiac problems.

My dietary habits changed over 50 years ago when I was diagnosed with peptic ulcers, colitis and a bad case of hemorrhoids. Therapeutic fasting and proper diet, along with exercise, got me back on track.

Therefore, at age 78, I’d heartily endorse adopting the vegan lifestyle for those folks who seek to lose weight and prevent coronary thrombosis, arteriosclerosis or other life-threatening conditions.

— Fred R. Chaffee


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6 thoughts on “35 years and happily counting

  1. Aphrodite

    Soy Milk, Oat Milk, Almond Milk or Cashew Milk. Any milk that does not contain casein, pus or blood. All cow milk contains pus and blood. Pus is infection so many people even get sick from drinking pus.

    A cow’s milk is to grow an infant cow to be 300 pounds in one year. Humans are having the same results. Many dairy consumers are 300+ pounds. They are confused and think it is some magical unknown reason why they are fat. They drink a substance that nature has intended to make a mammal 300 pounds in it’s first year of life. Why is this confusing to people when they gain weight then?

  2. travelah

    Aphrodite, would you be in favor of charging nursing moms with abusing their infants by feeding them pus and blood?

  3. April Anderson

    No. I believe in educating people and letting them make there own decisions. Most people are just ignorant, not evil.

  4. travelah

    OK, April, you have now educated the mom and she rebuffs you as she continues nurse her baby. Is she abusing her baby by breastfeeding “pus and blood”?

  5. bobaloo

    Aphrodite, they have this new thing called “pasteurization”. Also, milk comes in skim flavor.

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