Thank you for featuring a story on the plight of chained dogs [“Off Da Chain,” May 28]. However, Dogs Deserve Better does not advocate penning as a solution and rescues penned dogs, some of which are available for adoption. Anti-chaining advocates [are] against any method of tethering, penning or caging for long periods (more than two or three hours). These [methods] are also common practices of puppy mills, dog racing and sledding (where dogs are considered livestock), as well as illegal dog fighting.
The solution is housebreaking, which everyone can do regardless of their housing. Many condominiums and apartments (including mine) have residents with multiple dogs. Humane groups offer free classes, or there are books on the subject. (DDB does have some fencing [available by] application, [funded] through donations from its members.)
Since the story, I have been made aware of Buncombe County Ordinance No. 03-11-12, a portion of which reads: “It shall be unlawful to tether an animal to a stationary object for a period of time or under conditions that an animal control officer or animal cruelty investigator deems harmful or potentially harmful to the animal. Tethering may be allowed in certain cases where daily socialization and exercise off the tether can be verified.”
Humane officers should therefore be proactive in their judgment—not just making sure a dog’s physical needs are met.
— Lisa G. Leming
This letter destroys the environment by wasting paper.
Please feel free to call and discuss this vital issue. I feel very alone here in McDowell Cty as an army of one actually meeting face to face with the city mgr. and the animal shelter cops and villified subsequently- basically, “Stand down!” and I WILL NOT. We need to organize- bless you for your heartfelt efforts thus far. I am beyond the letter to the Ed. route. Humane Soc. here worthless and have had unpleasant reactions to my vocalizing the inexcusable. Jack @ (828)738-0604