Smart move on bike plan

I would like to express appreciation to the [Asheville City] Council for approving the bicycle plan despite its ambiguity in addressing funding.

Note that a lack of safe-to-bike roads actually creates its own safety issues and a large portion of culture-clash perception differences, fostering an us-versus-them mentality on both sides, given that bikes and cars share roads as equals. Making Asheville more bikeable, as set out in most of this plan is embracing the inevitable in the most cost-effective manner (waiting for same-road projects for implementation!)—not being elitist. Also note that the ambiguity in funding comes partially from waiting for repaving to be necessary, [in order] to lower costs.

As long as driving a motor vehicle is a privilege as opposed to a right, the other options for transportation should remain rights, and should be accommodated with safety as the top priority.

Bravo for City Council’s forward thinking, vision and careful stewardship of our tax money.

— David Tindall


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4 thoughts on “Smart move on bike plan

  1. nuvue

    I agree,
    Making it safe to bike could be the most cost-effective measure ever. If people who are willing and able to bike as much as possible, esp. short trips, it will leave more fuel for the gas guzzlers. More parking for everyone else. less pollution, less health problems in the future, less traffic, etc.. etc…
    And less $ for Saudi’s and OPEC. (You know, fully 20% of the WTC bombers were NOT from Saudi A )

  2. JJ

    I concur. As a cyclist, bike commuter and runner, making the roads wider and specifically designated for cyclists (or others who want to walk places without sidewalks) will not only help drivers be more aware, but it will help our community embrace the idea of a communal relationship between cyclists and drivers. As has been said before, many people are actually afraid to ride their bicycles on the streets of Asheville. The bike plan adoption has paved (literally) the way for a whole segment of the Asheville population to ride their bikes and be happy. I hope that we will soon see more cyclists on the roads, healthier people and a greener community….

  3. Flyingangel

    Ithink it will be great if the city off asheville will get the bicycles lanes fixed where it would be safe for people too ride there bikes.For one thing its great execises and very enjoyable too ride a bike and not feel like your be ran-over.It will help with air pollution also. The only problem I see with it is getting people to think differntly about driving there cars every where. And getting people too ride a bike Again ID love to ride again,I dont know about you but I havn’t rode a bike sinces I was 18 years old. But it sure would be nice too ride one ,safely.

  4. Bike lanes are a Capitalist Conspiracy to make us have to ride our bikes to work instead of listening to our iPod’s while we talk on our cell phone.
    I only support the reverse-construction of all roadways to be immediately converted into community supported organic vegetable gardens and hay pastures. Anything less is merely a manufactured compromise towards complacency and mediocrity.

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