Road skill

Face it. You can’t get food fresher than the veggies at a roadside stand unless you grow it yourself. And at this time of year, it’s way late to figure on growing anything for current consumption — other than sprouts. (Soak seeds overnight, pour off water. Rinse daily.) So, your best bet for really fresh […]

Asheville’­s tunnel vision

As the new tunnel through Beaucatcher Mountain neared completion in 1928, the prospect of expanding eastward toward Black Mountain excited local business leaders — especially the Board of Trade, whose mission was to promote Asheville’s image as a modern, progressive, “New South” city. Yet the growth that followed the tunnel’s opening — and, more than […]

Letters to the editor

Turn the page on Asheville government It is time for a new chapter in America and in Asheville, for we have defined ourselves individually and collectively too narrowly — we are more than economic cogs in a giant machine. The economic world has always tended toward flatness. Whether it was the textile industry in Great […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Reenacting desegregation The Asheville area sees no shortage of historical reenactments. For better or for worse, most of them pay tribute to events and personalities from various wars, the Civil War being the most common. But come this weekend, Asheville will witness a reenactment saluting the history and heroes of another struggle: the fight to […]

Letters to the editor

Forum failed to fully inform public I attended the Sept. 8 forum on the Asheville Civic Center, presented by the Civic Center Commission, the League of Women Voters, and the Mountain Xpress. I was impressed by the large number of people who turned up for the debate and the earlier tour conducted by Center Director […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Campaign Calendar • Sept. 8 fish fry (Thu): Asheville City Council candidate Keith Thomson is holding a free, open-invitation catfish-fry dinner, 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Randolph Learning Center (90 Montford Ave., next to the new Asheville Chamber of Commerce). Contact for more information. • Sept. 12 town hall meeting (Mon): City Council […]

Letters to the editor

Don’t miss the bus A bus will be leaving the Westgate Shopping Center at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6, bound for Oak Ridge, Tenn., where there will be a daylong peace rally in recognition of Hiroshima Day (the 60th anniversary of the first use of a nuclear bomb). While I appreciate the excellent coverage […]

Letters to the editor

Shameless P&Z commissioners approve In yet another “up with the developer, down with the community” display of local government shortsightedness and greed, on July 6 the Asheville Planning and Zoning Commission voted 6-1 in favor of the “Kenilworth Heights” development, despite the Planning Department staff’s recommendations that the application be denied. While the developer blamed […]

A castle in your garden

Whether you garden for food, beauty or the connection with the wider world that you get from ripping out weeds and conspiring to bring about the early demise of tiny creatures, it’s not just about plants, is it? Perhaps you also long for a few essential things — structures large and small — that can […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Rolling like a river If you sit awhile beside a river, or, better still, float down one in a canoe or kayak, you quickly see that the whole is composed of many parts: side currents rolling away from the bank as it meanders, standing waves downstream from unseen boulders, a mix of colors where branches […]

Linking mom to Saddam, and other party tricks

“I read somewhere that everyone on this planet is separated by only six other people,” muses rich New Yorker Ouisa Kittredge in John Guare’s famous play-turned-Will-Smith-movie Six Degrees of Separation. Ouisa goes on: “I find that: A) tremendously comforting that we’re so close, and B) like Chinese water torture that we’re so close.” It’s an […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Social Security’s future Two upcoming public discussions will explore the downside of the Bush administration’s plan to privatize Social Security. The first — a town hall-style meeting to be held Saturday, June 4, at 3 p.m. at the Unity Center — is sponsored by North Carolinians United to Protect Social Security. The nonprofit organization has […]

Taqueria Fast

Flavor: Traditional Jalisco, Mexico cuisineAmbiance: Understated and comfortableService: Patient Chances are, if you’re a devotee of the real-deal south-of-the-border flavors of the authentic taqueria, you’ve heard of Taqueria Fast. This little family-owned eatery has been drawing folks up Weaverville Highway for more than four years with its authentic Central Mexican cuisine, and for good reason. […]

Letters to the editor

Think local, act Global Unless something dramatically magical happens right away, the editorial collective of Asheville Global Report is sad to announce that we may no longer continue publishing. We’re not kidding. Many of you reading this letter may be familiar with our whining pleas every fall and spring for public support to cover our […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Different ways to celebrate Earth Day It’s a big planet. So, naturally it’s fitting that a celebration of the Earth span more than a day. In fact, here in Western North Carolina, Earth Day is being recognized by a host of events and activities. From the Strive Not to Drive campaign to rump shakin’ with […]

Letters to the editor

Stop bulldozing Broadway’s history It certainly wasn’t the Battle of Gettysburg, but Asheville did feel the taste of war — in the spring of 1865. Yes, there was a battle right here in Asheville, which was the mountain heart of Confederate sentiment. On April 3, 1865, Col. Kirby of the 101st Ohio Infantry was ordered […]

Building Bridges

When I think of all that Building Bridges has meant, both to me personally and to the Asheville community as a whole, I am nearly overwhelmed. I’ve been privileged to be involved with the Building Bridges of Asheville Racism Discussion Series since its inception, more than 11 years ago — first as a small-group leader, […]

Living through the shadowland

Alderson Women’s Prison in West Virginia was not a well-known institution prior to Martha Stewart’s recent commitment there. But, at one time or another, Alderson has housed Billie Holiday, Squeaky Fromme and generations of political activists convicted of federal offenses. In 2001, one of these was Clare Hanrahan, who served six months there for trespassing […]

Letters to the editor

Media culpa It’s Nov. 3, and in my opinion, the butterfly ballot of the 2004 election has been the confusion caused by the inadequacies of the mainstream news media. Today’s media has done an impeccable job of distorting and obfuscating the information we need to properly understand current events. Twenty years ago, the media analyzed […]

Letters to the editor

Keever’s integrity trumps single-issue concerns I read with great interest the letter to the editor [“Placating the Masses…,” Oct. 6] written by James Dennis of Asheville on the subject of gay marriage and the congressional race here in the 11th District. While I was moved by his situation and am in full agreement with Mr. […]