Beet the system

Growing downtown: The George Washington Carver Edible Park, maintained by the Bountiful Cities Project. photos by Rebecca Bowe Darcel Eddins reaches up into the sun-speckled branch of a low-hanging tree and plucks off two ripened, juicy yellow fruits. “These are called shiro plums,” she explains. “Would you like to try one?” It’s an offer that’s […]

Buzzworm news briefs

A seat at the table Despite any differences they may have, the seven sitting members of the Buncombe County Board of Education all have one thing in common: None are students in Buncombe County Schools. 15-year-old Adam King aims to remedy that situation. Since February, he’s been stirring up local interest in adding a student […]

The (non)enfor­cers

“The Planning and Development Department staff respects the Unified Development Ordinance and makes reasonable interpretations within the authority entrusted in them.” – Planning & Development Director Scott Shuford Looming problem: Use of the Greenlife loading dock requires large trucks to park illegally within a UDO-mandated sight-visibility triangle. photo by Jodi Ford A review of three […]

Rememberin­g Daniel

Editor’s note: Daniel DeLaVergne died March 8 after being hit by a train in a tunnel near Ridgecrest while scouting a location for a video. It was standing room only at the Asheville Pizza and Brewing Company on March 10; they couldn’t let anyone else in because of the fire code. The crowd had gathered […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Sofas without borders For travelers whose movements are forever bound to a shoestring budget, nothing quite says “home” like a futon, a couch, or, God help them, a loveseat — however exotic the destination. Answering the need for a cheaper way of seeing the world, a loose network of travelers numbering 70,000 (and growing) was […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Finding Neverland Imagine: You’re not from here, but you’ve come in search of something. Maybe you’re a well-heeled yuppie or senior citizen from out of state who has read about our fair Asheville wants to hunt antiques. Or, perhaps you’re a bohemian who’s tired of Taos and in search of a new vortex — or […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Farm women speak The Sustainable Agriculture Program at Warren Wilson College will host Cynthia Vagnetti, who will present her film, Voices of American Farm Women at the school and at Malaprop’s Bookstore and Cafe. The work is a narrative documentary of Upper Midwest farm women who are forging new local-food systems based on biodiverse farming […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Changing the world one bumper sticker at a time In a world that can seem unfriendly at times, or even downright threatening, reminders to be kind to one another can’t hurt. That’s the idea behind a kindness-bumper-sticker contest that asks folks to come up with a slogan of eight words or less. “When you’re sitting […]

Letters to the editor

A sanctuary for change In your recent commentary by Nels Arnold [“Transformation Behind Bars,” Dec. 28], the author describes a Buddhist meditation group at Mountain View Correctional Institution. She tells how beneficial this practice has been in these inmates’ lives and then goes into direct quotes from some of the participants. I want to commend […]

Talking a good fight

It’s January, and a brand-new year hovers before us, brimming with all manner of possibilities. But before we catapult into the frenzy of 2006, it’s time to take a breather and reflect on the one that just got away. What do you remember about 2005? In Asheville, civic preoccupations included the continuing tug of war […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Readers Xpress themselves Amid all the sound and fury over the supposed “war against Christmas,” at least one local newspaper is willing to ask, in good faith, “What does the holiday season mean to you?” This was the question posed to applicants of the 2005 Mountain Xpress Holiday Guide Cover Contest. The response was a […]

Leaps of faith

A casual mention by a Methodist friend of mine has led me to study the life and works of Cyril of Alexandria, a fifth-century C.E. theologian and scholar who was archbishop of Alexandria (a title he apparently inherited from his uncle Theophilus). One writer referred to Cyril as “an ill-tempered, quarrelsome, hasty and violent man.” […]

Letters to the editor

Turn the page on Asheville government It is time for a new chapter in America and in Asheville, for we have defined ourselves individually and collectively too narrowly — we are more than economic cogs in a giant machine. The economic world has always tended toward flatness. Whether it was the textile industry in Great […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Campaign Calendar • Sept. 8 fish fry (Thu): Asheville City Council candidate Keith Thomson is holding a free, open-invitation catfish-fry dinner, 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Randolph Learning Center (90 Montford Ave., next to the new Asheville Chamber of Commerce). Contact for more information. • Sept. 12 town hall meeting (Mon): City Council […]

Power from the people

When the fifth annual Southern Energy & Environment Expo kicks off this weekend, it will focus on both the bright prospect of regional self-reliance and on the proven synergy generated by past years’ events. “We have a huge number of resources right in front of us: wind, solar, biofuels,” organizer Ned Doyle told Xpress. “We […]

Buzzworm news briefs

The bus stops here For bus drivers working for the Asheville Transit System, the Shiloh route can be a bit confusing of late. It’s not that the streets are narrow or poorly marked — it’s that some folks are hanging out at the bus stop even when they don’t want a ride. According to Barbara […]

Buzzworm news briefs

Batter up! It’s the dog days of August, the weather is hot and the pennant races are hotter. Major League Baseball is in full swing, and here in Western North Carolina, future big leaguers are getting ready to go back to school — and back to the diamond. For hundreds of area kids, the end […]

Letters to the editor

Legislators and water don’t mix Recently, progressives met together to tell government what they wanted out of a water agreement. The room was abuzz with anger when people learned how Buncombe County had been conspiring with developers and the North Carolina General Assembly to write legislation (Sullivan Acts II and III) that would make Asheville’s […]

Know your place

About 50 of us went hillwalking near the Asheville watershed last November — educators as well as staffers and volunteers representing many different local environmental groups (see list below). We divided into groups of 10 or so to travel lighter on the land and make it easier to hear what the hike leaders could tell […]

Buzzworm news briefs

No progress reported at regional water forum At last week’s public forum on regional water issues, Asheville Mayor Charles Worley and Buncombe County Board of Commissioners Chairman Nathan Ramsey took pains to downplay the animosity that has characterized the public exchanges between the two entities of late. But those protestations did little to convince those […]

Blowin’ in the wind

Less than three years after North Carolina passed the groundbreaking Clean Smokestacks Act, the state now appears to be moving in the opposite direction when it comes to regulating air pollution from old, grandfathered power plants. But a grassroots environmental group based in Sylva is determined to hold North Carolina’s feet to the fire. State […]