Jan (Howard) Kubiniec

Jan (Howard) Kubiniec Did not provide website. Occupation: Retired schoolteacher/homemaker Previous candidacy: Previously a candidate in 2003 and 2005 for City Council Affiliations: None listed Short-answer questions Why are you running for City Council? Our city is at a huge turning point with our rapid, massive growth. I’m running for Council because I feel like […]

Vijay Kapoor

Vijay Kapoor

Vijay Kapoor kapoorforcouncil.org Occupation: Municipal budget consultant (small-business owner) Previous candidacy: None Affiliations: Graduate of University of Chicago and University of Pennsylvania Law School; board member of UNC Asheville Foundation; Democratic Party; South Asheville Resident & Business Community Organization Short-answer questions Why are you running for City Council? I’m running to ensure that all Asheville […]

Jeremy Goldstein

Jeremy Goldstein goldstein2017.com Occupation: Local business owner, commercial real estate brokerage company Previous candidacy: None Affiliations: Unaffiliated Short-answer questions Why are you running for City Council? To preserve and protect our quality of life during this period of intense growth. What relevant experience makes you a good candidate for City Council? Local, small downtown business […]

Andrew Fletcher

Andrew Fletcher fletcherforcouncil.com Occupation: Musician Previous candidacy: None Affiliations: Registered unaffiliated/independent Short-answer questions Why are you running for City Council? City Council shouldn’t be just for the wealthy, business-owning traditional political class. Someone who works paycheck-to-paycheck, a renter, who understands struggling economically in this city — that describes the underrepresented side of Asheville. Our politicians […]

Cecil Bothwell

Cecil Bothwell (I) cecilbothwell.com Occupation: Publisher/artist/musician Previous candidacy: Incumbent, elected 2009, re-elected 2013 Affiliations: Member of the board of the People’s Park Foundation, Biblioworks.org, Projecto de las Escuelas Guatemaltecas, PARC. Treasurer PARC PAC. Member Democratic Party, Democracy for America, ACLU. Short-answer questions Why are you running for City Council? My track record on Council is […]

Pratik Bhakta

Pratik Bhakta pratik4citycouncil.com Occupation: Hotelier Previous candidacy: None Affiliations: Did not provide Short-answer questions Why are you running for City Council? I am running to make a difference. I am passionate about Asheville and want to see our city thrive. However, we need better fiscal responsibility in our budgeting process and we need better accountability […]

Council holds “good-faith” water discussion with legislator­s

Only two legislators made it to the Asheville City Council discussion session Tuesday afternoon, held specifically to dialogue with the local delegation concerning the proposed merger of Asheville’s water system with the Buncombe County Metropolitan Sewerage District. But those present – council members and legislators – did manage to get a few things off their chests.

Council appoints planning commission members; will reconvene on water issue Thursday

It was a lengthy session for Asheville City Council on Aug. 28, and it’s not technically over: Council will reconvene Thursday, Aug. 30, at 4 p.m. to discuss changing the language of the water system referendum. At Tuesday’s meeting, Council appointed Joe Minicozzi and Holly Shriner to the powerful Planning and Zoning commission, among many other matters.

City will go forward with referendum on water system transfer

At a worksession this afternoon, July 30, Asheville City Council directed staff to craft a referendum for November’s ballot asking voters to weigh in on a possible transfer of the Asheville water system to the Metropolitan Sewerage District. The city is also communicating with MSD, studying the financial impacts of a merger and trying to arrange a meeting with local legislators. (photo by Max Cooper)