With Lael Gray, I get what I want

I want everything! I deserve everything I want! And I want a candidate who can give me that. With Lael Gray on City Council, I get that. With Lael, I get someone who has held high positions in corporate America, someone who has been a small-business owner and someone who has worked in nonprofit management. […]

Jan Davis

Jan Davis Slogan: “Balanced leadership for a balanced community.” Profession: Owner, Jan Davis Tire Store Lives in: North Asheville Funds: $9,875 raised as of Sept. 26 Endorsements: Esther Manheimer, Brownie Newman, Asheville Fire Fighters Association Website: www.jandavisforcounCandidate survey: http://avl.mx/67 cil.com Twitter: Not on Twitter Interview: http://avl.mx/6h The lowdown: Seeking a third term on Council, Jan […]

Marc Hunt

Marc Hunt Slogan: “Together we can be our best.” Profession: Land-conservation officer, Open Space Institute Lives in: North Asheville Funds: $22,946 raised as of Sept. 26 Endorsements: Gordon Smith, Brownie Newman, Esther Manheimer, Cecil Bothwell, Sierra Club, PARC Website: www.huntforcouncil.com Twitter: @hunt_marc Candidate survey: http://avl.mx/6j Interview: http://avl.mx/6c The lowdown: Political newcomer Marc Hunt is off […]

A council of Mumpowers

I was thrilled to read that Carl Mumpower intends to endorse a liberal slate of candidates in the 2012 state and federal elections [“Mountain ‘X’ Should Change Its Name to Mountain ‘L,’” Oct. 12 Xpress]. Of course he's right. There are far too few liberals in almost every area of elected representation throughout the U.S., […]

Does democracy upset Carl Mumpower?

Carl Mumpower seems to be upset that democracy in action in Asheville has resulted in a progressive/liberal majority on City Council [“Mountain ‘X’ Should Change Its Name to Mountain ‘L,’”  Oct. 12 Xpress]. In his letter, he says, "time will find Asheville losing its luster under the watch of a panel of progressive eyes constricted […]

Local Matters: Asheville City Council and Occupy Asheville, Ponderwell and Montford

In this edition of the Mountain Xpress’ local news podcast, reporter David Forbes discusses the most recent Asheville City Council meeting, which covered the Occupy Asheville protest, a development in the Montford neighborhood and the rejection of bid by Ponderwell for the Community Media Development Initiative.

Video of City Council’s deliberati­ons over community-media contract

Yesterday, Oct. 11, Asheville City Council unanimously voted to not authorize a community media contract with web development company Ponderwell. Xpress had also entered a proposal for the grant and was a finalist in the assessment made by a panel of city, county and business representatives. This post features video of Council’s deliberations on the measure.