Real progressiv­es do!

You hear much about “Asheville, the bastion of the progressive,” as in “making progress toward better conditions; employing or advocating more enlightened or liberal ideas, i.e., a progressive community. “Making,” “employing” and “advocating” are all about action taken to achieve progress. The question then is, where’s all this “action”? Few even voted in the last […]

Vote for Chris Pelly

An experienced neighborhood advocate like Chris in City Council can ensure that our neighborhoods needs and concerns are heard! When residents and homeowners have to react to each issue in their neighborhood — inappropriate development, wrong residual zoning, digital billboards, stalled developments with issues of storm runoffs, no sidewalks, etc. — we expect that our […]

E-mails reveal how Blue Ridge Pride proclamati­on made it to Council agenda

An e-mail exchange released by Asheville City Council member Bill Russell reveals new details about how a proclamation recognizing the Oct. 1 Blue Ridge Pride festival made it onto Council’s agenda for its Sept. 27 meeting. In the exchange, Mayor Terry Bellamy, who has not given the festival a standard mayoral proclamation, notes that she will place it on the new business portion of the agenda. Russell says he hoped for a standard proclamation instead of a contentious vote.

It’s official: New Belgium looking at Asheville expansion

For weeks, Asheville has seen rumors swirl that New Belgium is considering the city for a new brewery and looking for economic development incentives. Today, Sept. 22, City Council member Jan Davis publicly confirmed the rumors at a Council of Independent Business Owners forum. He tells Xpress that while he welcomes the company, he’s skeptical about the need for incentives.

What the truck?

Proposed rules allowing food trucks downtown once again dominated the agenda during Asheville City Council’s Sept. 13 meeting. After a lengthy public hearing and contentious debate, Council members had narrowly approved the move Aug. 23 on a 4-3 vote. Because of that slim margin, however, the city's development guidelines required a second reading. Proponents of […]

Marc Hunt has a vision for Asheville

I am writing to endorse Marc Hunt in his bid for Asheville City Council. Marc’s many years of business, nonprofit management and community-service experience will bring much practical value to Council. His deep commitment to his community will bring value to the whole city. Marc has a long and successful record of business and organizational […]

Voters of Asheville must take advantage of a great opportunit­y

Marc Hunt has an unusual pedigree for a politician. His accomplishments in professional life and community service uniquely qualify him as at once knowledgeable, caring and capable in the very topics that City Council must grapple with on a daily basis. His financial prudence has been honed by years of leadership in the budget-making aspects […]

Local Matters: County Commission­, CTS, Women In Business and more food trucks

In this edition of the Mountain Xpress’ local news podcast: Jake Frankel on the most recent Buncombe County Commission meeting; Susan Andrew with the latest on the CTS cleanup; Tracy Rose on the Women In Business supplement and David Forbes on the Asheville City Council meeting about downtown food trucks.