Chad Nesbitt doesn’t have one good thing to say about liberals. “They’ve taken over this town,” he says. “They’ve raised the taxes sky-high. They’ve taken over the churches, which are becoming more liberal all the time.” He could go on. You’ve been warned: The gateway to the Carolina Stompers Web site and Chad Nesbitt, the […]
Tag: Carl Mumpower
Showing 106-126 of 151 results
Potomac Fever
After resolving it in his “heart, mind, body and spirit,” Asheville psychologist and City Council member Carl Mumpower says he’s ready to vie for the GOP nomination in a bid to unseat Democratic Rep. Heath Shuler in next year’s Congressional election. Our next Congressman?: City Council member Carl Mumpower says he’s ready to challenge Rep. […]
Blog wild
All it takes to start a blog is a computer, an Internet connection and some free software. But unless you want your digital diary or online soapbox to languish unread, you also need to have something to say. That is clearly not a problem for Asheville’s bloggers: The area’s bustling blogosphere accommodates a dizzying range […]
Mr. Mumpower goes to Washington?
Asheville City Council member Carl Mumpower has tossed his hat into the 11th Congressional District ring.
Asheville City Council
Two years after a community group shined the spotlight on some businesses’ violations of the city’s Unified Development Ordinance—and a year after those complaints were supported by a consultant’s report—Greenlife Grocery says it’s ready to take steps to address the problems. And Staples, which had not responded to several prior requests for a meeting with […]
The Other Side of the Mountain
For months we’ve endured city and county residents’ competing calls for tax equity (or perhaps I should say “county-only residents,” since city residents also live in Buncombe County). The continuing water negotiations are partly about core issues—who owns the system, who fixes it and such—and partly about what Council member Carl Mumpower calls “decoy issues” […]
Asheville City Council
With an overflow crowd in attendance on Aug. 21, City Council approved stronger rules to protect wetlands, streams and rivers from construction-related runoff, to bring the city into compliance with federal storm-water guidelines. Although city staff and some stakeholders called for a 50-foot development-free buffer along streams, Council members demurred in the face of opposition […]
For the record: Mayor Bellamy on protesting in Asheville
Maybe you’ve heard the rumors. But what exactly did Mayor Bellamy say about that Bank of America protest and similar demonstrations?
Public assets, backroom discussions
The Asheville Civic Center—groaning under the weight of age-related maintenance needs and multiple studies that have borne little fruit—has seemed to be making progress recently. The city’s current capital-improvements plan budgets $400,000 a year for repairs; an engineer is researching the feasibility of an innovative-but-controversial green roof; and perhaps most importantly, increased revenues have the […]
Asheville City Council
The Asheville City Council faced a packed chamber on July 24, with many there to voice their anger over the proposed involuntary annexation of three areas south and southwest of the city limits. The crowd was so big, in fact, that many were directed to an overflow room to watch the proceedings on TV. Immigration […]
City Council backs off policing illegal immigration
Council supports police chief’s suggestion not to form partnership with federal immigration agency.
What would partisan elections mean?
Now that Let Asheville Vote has reportedly submitted more than 6,000 petition signatures, the city may be holding a referendum on partisan elections sometime between Sept. 16 and Nov. 16. If the Buncombe County Board of Elections declares at least 5,000 of those signatures valid, it will put City Council’s June decision to switch to […]
The direction of elections: Brownie Newman’s modest proposal
Asheville City Council member Brownie Newman says that, whichever way the referendum petition count falls, the public outcry over partisan elections has persuaded him that “there is enough public concern and interest that we should talk about it more.”
URTV program: Carl Mumpower supports urban homesteaders
City Council member Mumpower’s support for this alternative-living experiment is just one of many things that make the project unique.
The S- and C-words
On the surface, David Forbes’ excellent article about socialism, (“The Other S-Word,” May 2 Xpress) featured two Asheville City Council members engaging in a fairly polite conversation about economic systems. Between the lines, however, time-warping Cold Warrior/Council member Carl Mumpower was hurling accusations of socialism like Molotov cocktails. And because of the S-word’s connotations for […]
The Green Scene
“Slippery little rascal” fans flames of Richmond Hill debate A slippery debate: The discovery of a Southern Zigzag Salamander in Richmond Hill Park sparked a round of e-mails debating whether the urban forest is an appropriate location for a National Guard Armory. Courtesy R.D. Bartlett This past April, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission biologist Lori […]
Blue vs. Red: Asheville goes partisan
Asheville is now a party town — politically, that is.
Homeless, advocates rally against Mumpower’s call for photos
This afternoon about a dozen homeless persons and their advocates staged a brief but impassioned rally in Asheville’s Pritchard Park to denounce a City Council member’s call for photos of “vagrant/addict misbehavior.”
How much chaos can a Zigzag salamander cause?
Tensions over the construction of a National Guard armory at Richmond Hill Park flared again last week when an e-mail circulated by park advocate James Wood announced the recent discovery of a rare salamander.
Asheville City Council
A local campaign to spur Asheville City Council to formally adopt a living-wage policy for city employees gained some ground at Council’s May 22 meeting, but specific proposals to mandate an annual wage increase or to favor conforming private contractors caused concern. It’s a living: Living-wage proponents got some — but not all — of […]
The other S-word
If you’ve picked up a newspaper or tuned into an Asheville City Council meeting in recent months, you’ve probably run into the word: socialism. Workers of the world … debate: City Council member Carl Mumpower, left, says he see socialist impulses behind some city policies. Fellow Council member Brownie Newman was described by one critic […]