Traveler’s mind

Circuit-riding is a venerable tradition here in the Blue Ridge. A plaque on Beaverdam Road in north Asheville commemorates the peregrinations of Bishop Francis Asbury, a Methodist preacher who traveled the region on horseback in the early 19th century, bringing inspiration to the scattered settlements and finding his own inspiration in these magnificent mountains. As […]

Asheville City Council

A proposed 162-unit gated community adjacent to the Asheville Country Club appears to be on hold after City Council indefinitely tabled the developer’s request for a conditional-use permit. Besides placing the ball squarely back in the developer’s court, the case also raised the possibility of updating of some of Asheville’s subdivision regulations. “This is one […]

Go tell it on the mountain

A 65-acre development on Beaucatcher Mountain has its Kenilworth neighbors up in arms about both its potential impacts and the lack of City Council oversight. Another concern is the site’s proximity to a historic African-American cemetery. Residents were alarmed when the large-scale development was first proposed a year ago. More recently, logging trucks cutting roads […]