VIDEO: Peek into Sandburg’s home and goat farm

Sometimes you just need a little Getaway — not a big-to-do, not a major trip, just a little escape. Here’s the first in our Xpress Getaway series: a tour of The Carl Sandburg Home, located just just 30 minutes away in Flat Rock, N.C. A celebrated poet and author with three Pulitzer prizes, Sandford lived at the home (dubbed Connemara by previous owners) for 22 years. Today, the home and the grounds are preserved as a National Historic Site by the National Park Service, and are open to the public. It offers a little hiking, a bit of a farm tour (goats!) and a peek at Sandburg’s office.

Safe and sound

It was a hard, cold spring rain. My husband, Lenny, and I had been walking on the Appalachian Trail since 8 that morning. When we finally got to the shelter as it was getting dark, we saw that someone had hung a tarp to prevent rain from getting in. Inside, an old man was sitting […]