Local impacts of global warming

Do you love North Carolina, its unique mountain forests, stellar beaches and productive farms? If so, actively support legislation to stop global warming, because our natural heritage is at risk. Local damage is already occurring from increasing temperatures, changing rain patterns and rising seas. Western North Carolina's mountains feature unique and beautiful plant communities evolved […]

A Christian environmen­talist: How faith and environmen­tal stewardshi­p work together

Mallory McDuff, professor of environmental education at Warren Wilson College, is a proud Episcopalian and environmental activist. In her newest book, Sacred Acts:  How Churches are Working to Protect Earth’s Climate, McDuff solicited essays by Christian environmentalists across the country to explore what faith-based communities are doing to address climate change.

Warren Wilson College hosts herb symposium in memory of Frank Cook

Who was Frank Cook? That’s like asking who first swam the entire Amazon (Martin Strel, of course.) Quite likely, many of the 150 who attended the April 7 Herb Symposium at Warren Wilson College in memory of Cook didn’t know him. In ethnobotany and herbalist circles, Cook was legendary for his global knowledge of plants and their uses. (photo by Jonathan Poston)