Consider the rootstock

By 1865, blight decimated nearly all the vineyards of Europe. Native American grapevine rootstock, with a thick and tough root bark, were relatively immune to damage and resistant to blight. European vines were grafted onto Native American rootstock and the European wine industry was retrieved from extinction. The new Flat Rock Playhouse rootstock has no […]

Review of A Few Good Men

The pace is so relentless, the flashbacks are so abrupt, the sly Perry Mason-esque moments of “I just have one more little question” are so predictable, and (in the current production by Flat Rock Playhouse) the actors are just so darn good-looking, that pretty soon one begins to feel that one is in fact watching a TV drama.

Review of For the Glory

For the Glory is in every respect a spectacular piece of entertainment: The music and the singing are near flawless, the staging runs like a well-oiled machine, the set is stunning and the lights contribute beautifully to the whole effect.