Paying the piper

Passing a new budget resolution and agreeing to hire additional legal counsel were the two top items at the May 15 meeting of the board of the Metropolitan Sewerage District of Buncombe County. The preliminary budget for the public agency, totaling roughly $40 million, includes a 2.5 percent rate increase for domestic users, a $16.7 […]

‘Firm correctnes­s’: an I Ching app predicts the Asheville City Council elections

Amid the lawsuits and budget wrangling, Asheville City Council elections are approaching. There’s something clearly missing in the media speculation about who will run and win: electronic versions of ancient Chinese prophecy. Here’s what my I-Ching phone app says about each campaign, along with some agricultural and marital advice.

Asheville City Council tentativel­y endorses budget plan, uncertaint­ies remain

While noting that much of its fate remains in the hands of the state legislature, at a special meeting this morning Asheville City Council gave staff the go-ahead to start drafting a budget based on a plan that calls for a 1 cent property tax increase and assumes the city and county may consolidate their parks and recreation operations by January.

All swing together: city, Democratic legislator­s defend suing state over water bill

Friday morning, Asheville city officials past and present were joined by some of the local legislative delegation to voice their opposition to a state bill that would forcibly transfer the water system to a new regional authority and the Metropolitan Sewerage District. At the press conference they supported City Council’s decision to sue the state in an attempt to halt the new law.