When part-time attorney and freelance writer, Susan Wilson realized there were no Democrats running for House District 115, that was when she realized it was the time to step up, file for election and jump into this election. (Photo courtesy of Susan Wilson)
Tag: House
Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Live Twitter-based coverage of redistricting public hearing
The General Assembly’s Joint House and Senate Redistricting Committee is holding a public hearing on its House and Senate redistricting proposals today, July 18, at A-B Tech between 3 and 9 p.m.

Fisher, Keever urge supporters to speak out against redistricting plan at July 18 hearing
In response to proposed Statehouse districts released July 13 that place Democratic Reps. Susan Fisher and Patsy Keever in the same district, both are urging supporters to speak out against the plan at a July 18 public hearing at A-B Tech. If passed, the plan would potentially pit the two colleagues against each other in a primary next year to represent a newly drawn 114th that encapsulates most of Asheville.