Start the presses

Student journalism is nothing new: Guided by faculty advisers, kids have been producing yearbooks, literary magazines, in-house news broadcasts and school newspapers for many years. Now, however, even those traditional activities have become another means of teaching media literacy.

DG Martin’s One on One: Good results from virtual education don’t come cheap

Mention online education around some of my friends and you will get an emotional reaction. Some senior university faculty members teach classes filled with several hundred students and they worry that famous online lecturers could take their places. Others wonder if they can transfer their talents to the online market and, if so, how much compensation they can demand for their extra efforts.

Quick reference: martial arts branches

Confused about the scores of martial-arts types and options out there? The list below defines the most popular forms. Asian Korean: TaeKwon-do is South Korea’s national sport. Loosely translated as “the way of the hand and foot,” TaeKwon-do combines combat techniques, self-defense and sport, while also emphasizing a philosophical component that is meditation-based. The discipline […]

Making youth bully-proof

Asheville City Schools participated in “National No-Name-Calling Week” in January, and a Norwegian-born initiative called the “Olweus Bullying Prevention Program” is being gradually implemented at all grade levels. But administrative efforts can be slow going. And thanks to the catalyst of social media, (Facebook has made headlines for being a major contributor), bullying is more […]

Taking a stand, giving a voice

An unusual bit of bean counting took place at Ira B. Jones Elementary School in north Asheville. During a school assembly — part of national “No Name-Calling Week” — students and staff were encouraged to pluck a bean out of a jar for every time they’d ever felt bullied or were the target of unkind […]