Lewis Kyle Wilson, an Asheville man charged with kidnapping and brutally assaulting a prostitute, has plead guilty to lesser assault and drug charges.

Lewis Kyle Wilson, an Asheville man charged with kidnapping and brutally assaulting a prostitute, has plead guilty to lesser assault and drug charges.
Speaking to Xpress at the Buncombe County Detention Facility on Feb. 27, Lewis Kyle Wilson asserted his innocence in the face of charges of brutally assaulting and kidnapping a prostitute last November. Police have also named Wilson a “person of interest” in an unsolved 2006 murder and two other prostitute assaults in Asheville’s Riverside area. […]
Speaking to Xpress at the Buncombe County Detention Facility on Feb. 27, Lewis Kyle Wilson asserted his innocence against charges of brutally assaulting and kidnapping a prostitute last November. Wilson has also been named a “person of interest” in an unsolved 2006 murder and two other prostitute assaults in Asheville’s Riverside area.
Editor’s note: This story contains graphic descriptions of grisly crimes. Mountain Xpress doesn’t generally report such stories, but we felt that the brutal nature of the crimes, the depth of community concern and the larger issues raised justified doing so in this case. Although much of the material quoted here is public record, we’ve also […]
Asheville resident Lewis Kyle Wilson, charged with the brutal assault and kidnapping of a prostitute, has been dubbed a “person of interest” in a 2006 murder and several similar attacks. Search warrants reveal details about this case, while people who know him shine light on community reactions. Warning: this material is extremely graphic.