‘We have exhausted all leads:’ APD suspends Moffitt Twitter hacking investigat­ion

Claiming that they’ve “exhausted all leads to this point,” the Asheville Police Department has suspended its investigation of the alleged hacking of state Rep. Tim Moffitt’s Twitter account last year. The legislator’s account sent out an offensive message that he implied was an effort by his political opponents to discredit him.

The web and Barack

Xpress arts writer Kyle Sherard attended President Barack Obama’s public inauguration on Jan. 21 at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. While straining to see the proceedings from the general admission area, Sherard also kept an eye out for fellow North Carolinians amid the dense and shivering throng. At one point he even brandished a sign that read, “Are you from North Carolina?” which actually summoned one person. Read on for a firsthand, if distant look at what democracy looked like.

Asheville’­s city election season off to early start

Last week made it clear the city of Asheville’s political season is off to an early start, as this year’s elections will determine the majority of seats on Asheville City Council. Two mayoral candidates (Vice Mayor Esther Manheimer and former city staffer John Miall) have already declared, and Council member Cecil Bothwell says that he’ll run for another term. Photo by Max Cooper

One on one with D.G. Martin: Disfranchi­sement — then and now

They “disfranchised us, and now we intend to disfranchise them.”

It sounds like what North Carolina Republicans might have said behind closed doors while they were gerrymandering legislative and congressional districts to assure their party’s continuing dominance. However, the words came from a white Democratic state senator more than 100 years ago.