UPDATED: Trump speaks to full house, protesters fill streets

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will be in town Monday, Sept. 12, to hold a rally. Large crowds, along with potential protests, are expected throughout the day. The event is scheduled to start at 6 p.m. and Trump’s website shows tickets to the rally are no longer available. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a […]

That’s real fraud

The plan of Republicans in North Carolina to enact voter-ID laws is pure smokescreen designed to divert our attention from the very real and systematic vote fraud perpetrated by Republicans [“Is Voter ID Worth the Burden,” Feb. 6 Xpress”]. The state's grossly gerrymandered districts — engineered in 2010 by Republicans funded by shadowy state and […]

Appointmen­t is not democracy

On July 26, 2011 the following was printed in the Mountain Xpress article “Field of Schemes?” about the proposed new Statehouse districts: “‘Less than a quarter of Buncombe County's population is Republican,’ noted Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger, who was Democratic Rep. Patsy Keever's campaign manager. ‘Yet they've drawn the districts so there will likely […]

The national election begins locally

Gen. William T. Sherman wrote to encourage his friend, Gen. U.S. Grant, saying that Grant’s “chief characteristic is the simple faith in success.” For example, Grant arrived in besieged Chattanooga after the Union defeat at Chickamauga, replaced the general in command and set out to remove Confederates from mountains around and lift the siege. And […]