“Don’t let Martin Luther King’s death go in vain,” Joseph Fox told the crowd gathered at Pack Square Plaza Jan. 19. He urged them to work in whatever ways they can to spread justice.

“Don’t let Martin Luther King’s death go in vain,” Joseph Fox told the crowd gathered at Pack Square Plaza Jan. 19. He urged them to work in whatever ways they can to spread justice.
From -16 on the mountaintops to 9 degrees in Lake Lure, the WNC region went into deep freeze on Jan. 8.
A Woodfin native, Grammy-winning rocker Warren Haynes returned home this weekend for the 26th annual Christmas Jam. Over the course of the 7-hour concert at the U.S. Cellular Center in downtown Asheville, Haynes was joined onstage by Jason Isbell, Billy Kreutzmann, Caleb Johnson, Jackie Green and many more acts. Concert-goers posted photos and other dispatches from the Dec. 13 event via Twitter late into the night.
There’s more to the Feb. 13 snowstorm than driving hazards and inconveniences: Many folks in Asheville are getting out and enjoying the winter weather. And they’re sharing photos and dispatches from their outdoor adventures via a variety of social media outlets like Twitter and Instagram.
The new year came in like a lion today, Jan. 3, as Asheville residents woke up to bitter cold winds and snow. The winter weather was greeted on social media with a mix of trepidation and joy, as locals tried to drive on icy roads or sled down snowy hills.
Happy New Year, everyone! And now that we’ve safely crossed the threshold into the new year, why not take a look at how we got here. From fancy dinners to quiet nights at home, from dressed up to dressed down, and from big concerts to small parties, WNC rang in 2014 right.
Warren Haynes celebrated the 25th anniversary of Christmas Jam in style this weekend with two full days of epic concerts at the U.S. Cellular Center and other venues in downtown Asheville.
At 11:27 a.m., Asheville firefighters reported the morning fire at the old Isaac Dickson Elementary, 125 Hill St., has been contained.
Good morning, Asheville.
If you haven’t already noticed, it snowed quite a bit. Here’s what Ashevilleans have to say about today’s weather.
State, local and company officials met today, Nov. 14, to break ground on GE Aviation’s new 170,000-square-foot Asheville facility, being built next to an existing GE Aviation machining plant in South Asheville.
It’s election day in Asheville (and several other local municipalities), as citizens go to the polls to decide their next mayor and some Council members. Here’s a roundup of locals thoughts and experiences today. Photo by Max Cooper.
The weekly protests that have condemned decisions made by the North Carolina General Assembly for almost three months at the state capital continue today with the arrival of the Moral Monday movement in Asheville. These are the tweets, photos and videos from before, during and after the Mountain Moral Monday event. (Photo courtesy of Twitter user @PlantyHamchuk)
Whether you mourned the loss or celebrated its final days, Bele Chere has now been packed up and laid to rest after 35 years. To help with the grieving process, Xpress asked the community to share how they felt about Bele Chere’s final chapter. These are some of the parting words, pictures, videos and more about the summer street festival’s last celebration.
After the highest court in the land ruled the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional, the country erupted in either support or protest. Asheville was no exception. Here’s a roundup of local reactions to the Supreme Court decision. (Photo by Caitlin Byrd)
After a series of snow predictions that (literally) fell short of expectations this year, Western North Carolinians woke up to snow on March 6, 2013. These are the tweets, photos, video and more taken by folks at home, at work and out in the snow. This post will be updated throughout the day. (photo by Instagram user @Skippyhaha)
A Storify roundup of ice reports, photos and more from Twitter about today’s icy conditions. (Photo by Caitlin Byrd)
Tweets, photos and more from the Jan. 4 CIBO “issues” breakfast. Topics focused on issues the North Carolina legislature will face in the coming year, and local school security measures after the Sandy Hook shooting. (Photo of Buncombe County Schools Superintendent Dr. Tony Baldwin by Max Cooper)
Though voting began at 6:30 a.m. and ended at 7:30 p.m. in North Carolina, Election Day 2012 was about so much more than those hours when voters could cast their ballots. This Storify post looks at the local photos, video and tweets from the time the polls opened on Nov. 6, 2012 to well after the time that they closed. (Photo by Max Cooper)
After today, the campaigning stops: No more phone calls. No more mailers. No more motorcades. But before the polls close and the election season ends, here’s a look back at those campaign stumps in Asheville, N.C., through Storify. (photos by Caitlin Byrd)
In case you were busy running around in costume to get to a different venue (or never made it in because of those long lines), these are the tweets, photos and more from folks on the ground at all of the shows at Moogfest last night. From Nas to Ana Sia, we’ve got you covered. (Featured photo by Rich Orris)
Thursday night’s show by Justice served as the kickoff for this year’s Moogfest. However, Justice wasn’t the only event to get the weekend-long dance party started. Check out the tweets, photos and more from folks on the ground at Justice, Minimoogfest and so much more. (featured photo by @NickLeTellier on Instagram)