Beyond Coal: Rally against Duke Energy plant brings out environmen­talists, TV vampire

A few hundred people rallied under clear blue skies in Pack Square Park Saturday afternoon to call on Duke Energy to shutter its Asheville coal plant and advocate for clean energy. The event, called “Beyond Coal: A Rally for Our Future,” featured local speakers, singers and popular TV actor/vampire Ian Somerhalder. [Photo gallery at the bottom.]

Dispatches from the March Against Monsanto

More than 1,000 people gathered at Pack Square in downtown Asheville on May 26 to protest Monsanto, a multinational agriculture biotechnology corporation, and the world’s largest producer of genetically engineered seeds and pesticides. The rally and demonstration were part of an international “March Against Monsanto,” involving 36 countries worldwide. (Photos by Jordan Foltz)

Reduce meat consumptio­n for sustainabi­lity

Absent from the April 17 flowchart and questionnaire, “Are You (Not) a Sustainability Guru,” was the most important lifestyle question of all: Have you reduced your consumption of meat and other animal products? As we all learned in freshman biology, at every step up the food chain, 90 percent of the potential energy is converted […]

Meet Transition Asheville

According to Transition Trainer and Organizer Dylan Ryals-Hamilton, “there are 458 official Transition Initiatives worldwide, and 137 of those are here in the U.S. We live in a world of volatile gas prices, extreme and unpredictable weather and an unstable global economy. To some the future may look bleak. We’re looking for the positive angle, designing and creating the future we want to see here in Asheville.”

Sustainabl­e style

Fashion contains, within its definition, a nod to newness and immediacy. But it’s also based in custom and convention, and in industry. The hillside community known as Chicken Hill — a grouping of homes, a clubhouse, a church — lodged the workers (and their families) employed at the C. E. Graham Manufacturing Company’s cotton mill […]