Officials: Again, don’t panic, fuel is on the way

A host of county, city and state officials asked citizens to stay calm at a press conference this afternoon, stating that while steps are being taken to relieve the gas shortage, supplies would be spotty for at least another week, though more fuel is coming into the region. Mayor Terry Bellamy also criticized the state government for slow action, while state Rep. Charles Thomas said large oil companies “are begging us to regulate them.”

The Other Side of the Mountain

All of a sudden it seems to some, if not to those of us who are older, that we have an “energy crisis.” We’ve been living on the edge for years, driving larger and larger cars, building larger and larger homes, and pretending the supply of oil and especially gasoline was unlimited. Oops: Now the […]

Craving nature

I recently spent a month at home with my 4-month-old daughter, Eleanor Marie. During this time, I learned many things, some of them totally new to me. She’s my first child, and I’ve found out why every little girl is a daddy’s girl. And like every parent, I know my child is the most beautiful […]