Video: Take a tour of Asheville’­s newly proposed Congressio­nal Districts

Take a tour of the controversial proposed dividing line between North Carolina’s 10th and 11th Congressional Districts with Xpress reporters Jake Frankel and David Forbes. The proposed line would divide Asheville, placing most of the city in the 10th District (currently represented by Republican Patrick McHenry of Hickory), while leaving some portions in Democrat Heath Shuler’s 11th District.

Video: Buncombe County residents speak out on proposed Congressio­nal redistrict­ing map

Around 50 Western North Carolina residents signed up to speak at the July 7 public hearing at A-B Tech’s Ferguson Auditorium about General Assembly’s proposed Congressional redistricting map, and overwhelmingly, those residents spoke out against the proposal. Many expressed concerns that under the proposal most of the City of Asheville would be removed from its long-held position in the heart of the state’s 11th district and placed instead in the 10th, a move some speakers labeled gerrymandering.

Video: Life in the busk lane

As noted in this week’s article, “On a Friday night in Asheville, it’s near impossible to drop a coin without it landing in a hat or guitar case of a busker. Considering Asheville’s tourist economy and do-it-yourself ethos, it’s no surprise that downtown is packed with creative folks working their trade.” Xpress presents a brief glimpse into this world, letting the buskers tell the story in their own words.