Pack Square Conservanc­y considers putting pavilion on hold

The board charged with overseeing the construction of the new $20 million Pack Square Park in the heart of downtown Asheville discussed scratching a planned $2.46 million pavilion during its regular meeting Wednesday. One step at a time: Construction crews pouring concrete for the steps in front of the Buncombe County Courthouse, part of the […]

Welcome to A&E

Remember the Flaming Lips’ Zaireeka? That was the album designed to be played on four CDs simultaneously—creating the full harmonic experience of the music. It helps to have quick-draw friends who know when to push play, else it throws things off. But what a startling effect. Now imagine dozens of boom boxes and stereos playing […]

A hybrid-powered party

They come bearing gifts of a musical sort, three bands determined to put a little more bottom end in your stocking and restore a note of celebration to this holiday season. Soul Train: The trio of bands will keep audiences moving as long as they can stand. Shake off the winter blues with a full […]

Long dream, come true

There was a time, not all that long ago, when Tyler Ramsey was one of Asheville’s best-kept musical secrets. Despite his 6-foot 8-inch frame, the genial and mellow musician kept a low profile. In fact, he was mostly known for his work as a sideman, adding layers to other people’s CDs or sitting in for […]


Maggie Everett—physical therapist, kayaker, runner—woke up in the middle of the night last year and couldn’t figure out how to get out of bed. Her partner, Dwight Shuler, was away on a business trip, so she was alone. But when she missed a morning run and didn’t show up for work, friends and co-workers knew […]

Not safe now and never will be

After sitting through the Nov. 25 City Council meeting and hearing the word “safety” at least six times during a very long city-lighting presentation—in which all Council members were so eagerly nodding yes—it was very frustrating to hear Council say no to an ordinance or resolution that would make our city safe from the possibility […]

Nuclear waste needs another route

I am part of a group of students who have been researching the effectiveness of nuclear power and are deeply concerned about the plans to [locate] nuclear reprocessing facilities in South Carolina and Tennessee. Not only are these plants proven to be inefficient and to add to nuclear waste, but also all the shipments of […]

Making Asheville a waste land?

I am with a group of home-schooled students who have been studying the effects of nuclear power and nuclear waste. We are deeply concerned with what will happen to our future and our children’s future with the proposed building of nuclear reactors in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and many more in the Southeast. High-level […]

Tough choices

The migrant-worker problem is not a simple matter—but then, in this economic time, what is simple? Do you pay a U.S. citizen $15 an hour to hang your drywall, or do you hire an unfortunate lower-class member of society for $8 an hour who is also not paying taxes on his income? As this problem […]

Motion denied

As a follow up to Hope Taylor’s “Up in Steam” article published in the Dec. 3 Xpress, there is not-so-exciting news on NC SAVE$—a proposal for an independent, statewide approach to energy-efficient programs that focuses on making homes more efficient, keeping savings in consumers’ pockets and creating locally based green-collar jobs. The Utilities Commission has […]