
• Two Calendar listings were inadvertently combined in the Sept. 16 issue of Xpress: Asheville New Friends ( and Asheville New Friends Meetup/Singles Group ( Asheville New Friends is an incorporated local organization that has been active in Asheville for more than 30 years and generally consists of people over 50 years of age. Asheville […]

The Dirt: Heaven and earth

Three forces come together in good bonsai — "shin-zen-bi"  or truth, essence and beauty. From the simple to the sublime, bonsai is a word that gives form to art, horticulture, science, nature, hobbies, a collector's desire, a garden, a treasure. Bonsai can be thought of as "tray gardening," "potted plant," or "heaven and earth in […]


My husband, Lenny, and I are the proud adopted parents of a section of the Appalachian Trail. For seven years, we've maintained 4.9 miles of it, from Devils Fork Gap to Rice Gap, located north of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and south of Hot Springs. It's not a spectacular piece of trail — […]

Quiet the "hogs" on mountain roads

Kudos to Grant Millin for daring to step up to the curb regarding noise pollution in WNC [in last week's commentary, "The Motorcycle Community Needs a Tuneup"]. When I was 16, it was a thrill to roar through London on vintage British motorcycles with an intimidating band of leather-clad "rockers." That was 30 years ago […]

Bothwell: for the ordinary citizen and a sustainabl­e Asheville

Cecil Bothwell is a candidate for the times. As the post-peak fossil-fuel era unfolds, we need leaders with the vision to implement alternative solutions for our energy future. Cecil is one of those leaders. His campaign has concentrated on the issues of a green and sustainable economy, fair wages, affordable housing, multimodal transit and domestic-partner […]

For the record: Asheville Primary Twitter coverage via #avlelect hashtag (UPDATED)

Xpressville Tweets tagged with #avlelect, as they appeared on’s moderated feed : fobes:RT @asheville: AVL city primary turnout at record low: A yr after soaring amid excitement of a presidential.. Oct. 8, 8:39 am fobes:RT @ashevilleallie: for those in asheville who were disappointed from the low turnout yesterday: Oct. 7, 12:53 pm […]