Get There Asheville

Photo by Esmée Dorf Whether you know it or not, you’re probably a member of Get There Asheville. The multimodal transit advocacy group—which formed this year to press municipal candidates to make a smart, sustainable local transportation network a top priority—aims to represent the interests of bus riders, cyclists and pedestrians. “Even if you don’t […]

Show the plumber some respect; he and I both want choice in health care

I take exception to the sentiment expressed in your Sept.16 "Letters" section by the LaRiviere's (Michel & Terry) of Black Mountain. I find it ironic that they fancy themselves as "free thinkers," yet they are inclined to refer to someone who possesses a difference of opinion as "stupid." They are certainly entitled to their opinion […]

Cranky Hanke’s Weekly Reeler Sept. 30-Oct. 6: Michael Moore comes to town, controvers­y follows

Considering the fact that the first time I saw the trailer for Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story some admirer yelled, “You suck!” from the back of the theater, and since the Fine Arts Theatre lost one poster for the film to some wit who scrawled an expletive across it, I’d say that we’re in for the usual controversy that lies in the wake of every Moore film.

Cranky Hanke’s Screening Room: Rob Zombie and the fan as filmmaker

When Rob Zombie first appeared on the filmmaking scene with House of 1000 Corpses in 2003, I wrote that he was ” just a fan who’s made a film and is not actually a filmmaker.” While there’s a core of truth in that statement, it’s not one I would make today. Four Zombie movies later and a lot of revisiting and rethinking Corpses, I’m convinced that Zombie is a fan who is also a filmmaker.